family first aid kits

Your home is a safe haven for you and your family. It serves as your palace – a place where you can relax and feel secure. However, what happens if you or a loved one has an emergency at home? This is exactly where a home family first aid kit can help.

When was the last time you performed a “check-up” on your own home’s first aid? Use our guide below to help answer many important questions. Most of all, let this check-up help you create an even safer place for your whole family.

Check Your Stock Every Few Months.

Sometimes, it’s easy to think of a first aid kit as a “one and done” supply. You buy the kit, and that’s all you need.

First of all, you can probably see why this is a problem. As you use first aid supplies, your stocks will begin to dwindle. Consequently, you may find yourself lacking what you need when another injury or situation occurs.

Don’t let this type of situation happen to you. Instead, remain proactive about your first aid supplies.

Think of your home first aid kit like a fire smoke alarm or other essential. Furthermore, take an inventory every few months and replace what you need. That way, you’ll never find yourself without the proper first aid when you need it.

Replace Old or Expired Items.

Another common problem comes in the form of old or expired kit items. Remember, many first aid kit items have a shelf life. You wouldn’t eat expired food, would you? That means you probably don’t want to use old medical supplies, either.

As always, you can check out our extensive list of kit refills to find the exact supplies you need. That way, you’ll make sure your kit is always filled with high quality first aid items.

Use First Aid Kits in Different Rooms.

family first aid kits

Many families opt to have first aid kits in many rooms in your house. Because of this, you can stay prepared and respond to an emergency even faster.

For example, you could place a specialised first aid kit in the kitchen with items better-suited to this area. Since you’re more likely to cut yourself here, you may want to include more bandages and similar items. As a result, you’ll never be far away from the supplies you need in case of an injury or other emergency.

Make an Emergency Plan.

Having all the right first aid items is only one part of your home safety. The other part is having a plan when you need it.

Work with your family to go over the first aid basics. This includes aspects like how to respond, which items to use, and more.

Here are a few more tips you can follow in your planning.

  • Learn about common injuries which may occur in and around the home.
  • Understand the warning signs of injuries or other emergencies.
  • Learn when to apply certain items, bandages, dressings, and more.
  • Keep a list of EMS and family emergency contacts in phones and somewhere else in the home.
  • Consider taking a first aid and safety course with your family.

Customise Your Kit to Your Family.

Your home and family is unique compared to other people. As a result, shouldn’t you have a unique home family first aid kit?

You want your first aid kit to help you and your family. Further, you need to have the right items to help your family in case of an emergency. Therefore, you may want to consider customising your kit for your exact needs.

A few examples of these custom changes include the following.

  • More Bandages for Injury Prone Households.
  • Medicine for Allergies.
  • Medication or Training for Conditions or Diseases like Diabetes or Epilepsy.

In many cases, a pre-made first aid kit will have all the major items you need. Because of this, you can usually buy one of these kits for all the essentials. However, you can also add more items which may better suit your family’s needs. That way, you can rest assured that you’ll remain prepared at all times.

MediBC: Your Source for Home Family First Aid Kits

family first aid kitsNo matter what you need at home, safety is your number one goal. Because of this, you want to choose only the best in first aid supplies. And MediBC is here to help you achieve that safety.

MediBC’s wide range of home family first aid kits give you everything you need to stay as safe as possible. From refills to full kits, we only stock the highest quality brands and items. As a result, you’ll never have to feel unprepared in case of an injury emergency.